If doors are closed, then surely a tiny little window is open for us always. The only thing is to find it out where is it located and how to reach till there? One fine day, I was just attracted towards this word called 'window', we hardly notice such little words though, that can be connected with our emotions in various ways. Hence, a thought passed to write about it.

   I feel, films and sitcoms do play a role of window for exiting the reality for a while. Being a film student, I have been trained to watch movies with absolute new dimensions. That change in my perspecive wasn't sudden rather slow and enjoyable, and still in process . Movies are of different kinds some are like a book, we cannot judge by their cover (title). Few are like an open book, if you watch keenly they can be the answers for your questions. There are certain films like gems, that shine nonetheless of the era they were made. Even the most precious films are said to be as good as an old wine, the more you watch the more you go deeper in the film. It unwraps more and more layers that gives you deeper understanding of the subject covered in that movie. Also some of them are simple, to the point, they are the refreshers or I can say an eye opener films; which can show us that, life can be simple and the more simpler it is the more happy we are. Well, in this way the list may go on. 

 Filming is an art, and art is a very vast domain as well as fascinating for all kinds of audience. But in today's time, this art is just an escape from the stressful lives of ours.Very few of them appreciate it as a work of art. May be that is because nowadays films are treated more as a business. The films of our times is mainly entertainment based. There is a stream of films called non commercial, the only issue is not all the sections of audience are aware of these movies as they don't execute the marketting strategies the commercial movies follow. But I have been noticing now the times are changing, the population in watching such films is increasing. The over the top platforms that are netflix, youtube and many more have majorily contributed in this.

Anyway, that was a drift from my topic, coming back, windows play different roles like i mention before. I feel they are the fine lines between our reality and our fantasies, like a gate to our own little world, for me living these characters and their stories is that window of mine to exit. Hence I would like to end it with, a simple quote; " Find your own window to exit that will help you to be the best version of yourself."πŸ˜‡


  1. Hi Khushali...It was nice reading your first blog...A nice beginning of a new world where words are more important...It is said that pictures and images say more than words but if there is power packed in each word, it can create a different world...Keep going with your new window where your words will speak more...All the best...

    1. Thank you so much😊 And yes I will keep going with it.

    2. Hey ... That was a great one ... And yeah everyone is behind finding their own window ... But what happens when this windows are created by some entity for eg A multinational company creating "creative jobs" for people ... Well just a thought. Would love to know your opinion on that tho

    3. Well its on that person if he or she accepts it as his or her "that" same window to exit ! Its the question on freedom of choice!

  2. Good one , I have also my window and enjoying my life that's true...so nice thought...good job.

  3. Thoughts very nicely put up. Keep up the good work

  4. Hello Khushali... It is quite inspirational to read your blog... Thank you for inspiring πŸ™‚πŸ™‚

    1. Thank you 😊. Its my pleasure to do so!

  5. Hello Khushali... It is quite inspirational to read your blog... Thank you for inspiring πŸ™‚πŸ™‚


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