To My Dear Youngies!


21st century is a boon but more of a curse especially for the youngies. Let me say you why I think so, once I was attending a webinar (the new trend of Covid -19) while I was listening to it I suddenly realized that how all of us had to compete so much with each other just to survive in this world. Obviously, this realization is not something new but the idea and sense of this existential crisis made me wonder. 

So, one morning I had this odd feeling to write on this and allow my contemporaries to shed a light on this idea. With abundance of exposure through various platforms and varieties of sources availability, our choices are tend to get confused at times. It is natural to feel nervous because of our habit to achieve a specific goal by a certain age. On the contrary I also feel, who decided that at some specific age we need to be at a certain position? I am not denying here the idea of accomplishing goals but just a question on these set of limits?

Today everyone from an early age wants to get independent in all aspects be it financially, emotionally and mentally. If we fail to, then some of us start feeling anxious; sort of like a pressure upon us to rise above all alone. Few of us start having self doubt and self criticism in no time if we don’t acquire answers to our questions as per our plans. Moreover, it is like a “FOMO” situation for us - Fear of Missing Out. We start comparing with our social circle, which makes us feel more edgy and self degrading. Well, this doesn't go to the people who feel least of these insecurities. Probably they are the true inspirations. 

These limits are set since childhood very subtly by our parents or relatives. If not by them then the society- friends, teachers, neighbors play a good role in preparing our minds to plan in this way. Eventually, I have realized that these kinds of subtle and unconscious practices can’t be stopped but what we can do is learn about ourselves. This should be the top most priority in to- do- list. Simultaneously, keep doing those things that are expected from our elders. Here, inconsistency in accomplishments will also become a part of our routine at times, which can bring a new perspective to work upon.   

What if there comes a day, when hardly anyone of us is taking a part in this rat race? What if gradually the whole hype about this so called competition is not much bothering to anyone? If you just think for a moment, this whole scenario of “keeping up in this world” is actually created by us and so it’s on us how we want to participate in it. I am  here to let you just wonder for few moments about this kind of world, where we all are helpers or least bothered about each other’s success. Rather busy with our selves and exploring it through different ways, wouldn’t that be a happier and exciting place to live? Knowing your limits and strengths is a part of this journey which keeps you in touch with the reality. Mistakes tend to happen for making you realize certain qualities of yours. But they don’t decide the future of anybody.

Sometimes I feel, this century of immense technology and advancement is a curse because our perceptions towards life is still the same and usual like it used to be before. Well; the ways of pursuing, the designations, the achievements, the resources have changed drastically but the nature of our goals still remains the same. I guess a transformation in this very basic nature of accomplishments can do wonders where the need to compete with the contemporaries will be equal to null.  


  1. Very well put. Transformation happens through realization of oneself in relation to the world around us. And when we realise the true value of our life we just opt ourselves out of the rat race. Very happy to find young minds to have such insightful understanding so early in their lives.

    1. Thank you so much. Yes its all about a perspective.Glad you like it.It means a lot.😊

  2. Wonderful and inspiring. Keep walking on this journey!

  3. Even I feel sometimes that I don't belong to this new technology transition. 😅

    Also, the piece is really great! Keep doing.❤

    1. Haha, yeah. It’s great you could relate.😇 Thank you so much!❤️

  4. It was such an inspirational post, keep writing ❤❤

  5. nice write up, you may expand this a bit more and as a continuation, write the second part with 'how to be away from rat race and yet successful n happy...kamal

    1. Thank you.😊 That’s a good idea but I think it’s more of an individual choice on how to walk on this journey.


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