
Showing posts from March, 2018


The bright ray of light falling from the window pane on the opposite bed, I see as soon as I open my eyes on every morning; Reminds me of how a single ray of hope can brighten my day  yet to begin. Yes, the cawing of crows is the first sound to be heard rather then the usual tweeting of birds; Indeed, that cawing awakes me from my dream sleep and announces the new start of the  another day. The flow of the water from the tap inside my bathroom, the rush the gush  the way it helps me to cleanse my body; Reminds me to enhance my quality of "let go" and to go with the flow along with a firm goal. The touch of the lukewarm water on my skin in crisp mornings, the steamy bath at the end;  Takes me to my small holy temple of meditation and makes me aware of the present and the moments I cherish. Yes, the hooting of vehicles, the shouts of hawkers, the screeches of brakes, the jingling of cycles henceforth the orchestra played by the m